Ozone dental therapy is a holistic treatment used to reduce the presence of bacteria. It has the ability to target harmful microorganisms while leaving healthy ones untouched. In dentistry, ozone therapy can treat tooth decay and gum disease, and can be used anytime sterilization is needed. As a result, the oral microbiome is left intact.

The Well Rooted Dentistry team uses ozone dental therapy for a number of biological dentistry procedures. Here, we’ll explore how ozone therapy works, discuss its benefits, and answer some common questions regarding the treatment.

Benefits of Ozone Dental Therapy

Ozone therapy offers a wide range of benefits in dentistry. This type of treatment can:

  • Obliterate oral bacteria, fungi, and viruses
  • Eliminate the need for dental drills
  • Successfully treat mild to moderate tooth decay
  • Foster healing by eradicating harmful bacteria
  • Strengthen the teeth
  • Be used on patients of all ages
  • Reduce or eliminate tooth sensitivity

How does ozone therapy work in dentistry?

Ozone therapy involves the application of ozonated water or gas to any infected areas in the oral cavity. In addition to eradicating harmful bacteria, this treatment also reduces the risk of re-contamination. Rather than using traditional treatments that are often invasive, ozone therapy gives you the opportunity to restore your oral health using oxygen and water – the most natural approach available.

Is ozone therapy safe?

Absolutely. Ozone does not contain drugs or medications. It is a naturally occurring gas that has been harnessed for use in the dental office. Ozone therapy is considered safe for use and has been employed for a number of years to treat a wide range of conditions and diseases.

Is the procedure painful?

Ozone therapy is non-invasive and painless. Patients who have anxiety about dental drills can take advantage of this treatment, reducing the need for traditional, invasive procedures.

Does ozone therapy really repair cavities?

Mild to moderate tooth decay can be successfully treated with ozone therapy. In some instances, however, conventional treatments may still be necessary. For example, if you have a large cavity or extensive decay, ozone therapy may need to be combined with metal-free fillings, metal-free crowns, or other treatments. 

Can ozone therapy address gum disease?

Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the gums. If plaque and tartar are left on the teeth, the gums can become red, inflamed, and tender. Left untreated, gum disease can erode the supporting tissues and bone, and can ultimately result in tooth loss. 

To address gum disease, plaque, tartar, and bacteria must be flushed away. Depending on the severity of the disease, this may require scaling and root planing or laser therapy. Here are some of the ways our team incorporates ozone therapy into our gum treatments:

  • We fill our water supply bottles with ozonated water.
  • Our ultrasonic water reservoir is filled with ozonated water.
  • Periodontal pockets are irrigated with ozonated water. This eliminates harmful bacteria and supports healing of the tissues.

Learn more about ozone therapy.

Reestablish the health of your teeth and gums using natural ozone therapy. To learn more about this treatment – or any of our other services – schedule an appointment at our Providence, RI practice. Our team is always available to answer any questions you may have about holistic and biological dentistry treatments. Contact us online anytime or call our office at (401) 533-9680.


Author Identiwrite

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